More and more often in Ad Library there are ads that link to a landing page with a Facebook page design. What you should consider if you design your creative in the same way, with Facebook branding
▶️ Best consumables for running ads in Fb.◀️
❌ Prohibited:
Use the word “Facebook” in a different size and style than the surrounding text.
Use the Facebook trademark in the plural, as a verb, or shorten it to the abbreviation “FB”
Use “f” logos or other Facebook logos instead of the word “Facebook” in ad text
Capitalize the word “Facebook” unless it is used in a web address.
✅ Authorized:
Mention Facebook or Instagram to indicate that the ad directs the user to content on those platforms (e.g. Pages, groups, events, or sites that use Facebook login).
Source : https://t.me/metamanag
“If you have any questions, write them to us in chat”: https://t.me/FBCPA
“The Best Consumables for Running Fb Ads”: https://fbstore.ru/
“Join our Telegram Channel”: https://t.me/FBCPA_PRO