I want to show you where you can take examples to create creatives for such verticals as Adalt and Gutra. All creativity has to be tested, and Facebook has artificial intelligence that checks all creos. Rarely, but not infrequently, does Facebook large budgets check the moderation of Living People.

It’s the one we all know Wildberries There are thousands of product reviews here.
In these reviews, there are very interesting examples that are suitable for the creation of creatives.
Search phrases for gut on Wildberries.
1. Losing weight.
2. Fat Burners
3. Slimming pills for women.

Here are some interesting reviews on WB. Take a couple of pieces from here and then in photoshop create an interesting creative. It is important to understand that every Creative must be tested on Facebook.
Try to create for example 10 different creos and upload them to check in Fb. Maybe with 10 creos will pass Checking three or four. Everywhere is different. Do not worry if some creo did not pass moderation. Facebook is a big global company and it has very smart artificial intelligence. From about 10 creos, if they are not too explicit, four or five go through. It’s different for everyone.
I’ll attach a couple of cards from wildberries. Below in the reviews you can see pictures of girls where they kindly show the result of the miracle pills or cream, etc. You can already edit this specifically for your offer on the gut.
1. https://www.wildberries.ru/catalog/94819619/detail.aspx
2. https://www.wildberries.ru/catalog/35778729/detail.aspx
3. https://www.wildberries.ru/catalog/19318004/detail.aspx
Let’s now look at the adalt creo approach.

As we can see, there are a lot of examples. From these pictures you can make quite interesting creatives for adalt.

I’ll attach a couple of cards with interesting photos below.
1. https://www.wildberries.ru/catalog/128098948/detail.aspx
2. https://www.wildberries.ru/catalog/147392059/detail.aspx
Search phrases on wildberries. Under Vertical Adalt.
1. The enlarger of the bangs.
2. Stimulant for men.
3. Viagra for Men.
In addition to completing the post, you can also try looking at reviews on
https://www.ozon.ru/ there might also be a couple of interesting recall cards for our verticals.
To save time, I recommend turning to professionals with years of experience “PPPfbstoreCREO”(https://t.me/PPPfbstoreCREO)
If you have any questions, write below. I’ll answer them.