The main hosting that we use ourselves.
Link to hosting and discounts for them: https://fbcpa.pro/links/
- Hosting Beget according to hosting owners, hosting has been working for 12 years.
I can say from myself a good hosting score is 8 out of 10. There were times when the guys had a DoS attack, the guys quickly eliminated it.
Try to test this hosting yourself, see how it goes for you.

2. Hosting: Hostland – This is an excellent hosting that suits different tasks, both small and large.
For all my 5 years, this hosting has not let me down. Try it yourself, see how it goes for you.

3. Hosting: Reg.ru – Works since 2006. Now I use this hosting myself, I have no problems with it. I also use hosting servers for my 2 projects. Works good.