Частые вопросы
The price of accommodation is $4. Employee tip 🙂
If you want to increase your reach, to attract more attention to your ad, we have an interesting offer. You can buy a publication in any of our social networks. After purchase, our employee will add your ad to our website himself. This option will help your post reach a high number of interested users.
Learn more: https://t.me/Kansk_Abrosimov
1. For starters: register / log in on our website.
2. Please go to profile and set up a photo or avatar and enter information about yourself. This is very important to us. 🙏
3. Then you need to click on your nickname at the top right of the site, then in the drop-down menu click “Create an entry.”
4. In the creation of a new record, select “Vacancies.” In the section “Headline.” Write the job title, write the job title, resume. Permanent link resume. Permanent link “link to your vacancy on the website” is formed automatically, it can be changed and make it shorter or leave it untouched.
5. Begin adding text to the ad. You can format the text: make it bold, colored, underlined, strike through, large and small, as well as indenting, quotations, and lists in the small console at the top. Test it out on everything. It’s easy.6. In the text, be sure to specify the salary and conditions: location (office or remote work), your benefits, requirements and responsibilities to the candidate. Be sure to include your contact information! You can make them clickable with formatting, even e-mail.
7. You can add a picture or a screenshot by clicking on “Paste.” By the way, the buttons’ ctr+c, ctrl+v, ctrz + z work, But if you use them, then edit what you’ve pasted so that there are no extra indents or spaces. It will look better that way.
8. Upload a video to the recording: You can insert any link from YouTube, etc.
Very handy if you have a Video format.9. Uploading images to the recording: Size 275×154 is a preview picture.
Like here:10. The picture is added, you can change it again by clicking on it with the mouse and clicking on the pencil sign.
Your ad will be posted on our website, https://fbcpa.pro/. Specifically under Jobs. Your ad will be in a prominent place.
It’s worth noting that our site is visited every month by more than 3000 thousand Arbitrators and not only. That provides a wide coverage of potential interested parties.
If your ad is about adding a resume or job search, you’ll get the additional option of posting on our specialized messenger channel, which will increase your chances of a successful search and more.
We recommend that you try this unique way to increase your ad’s reach!