Extension for Google Chrome Combine RRR accounts. Installation in Dolphin antic.

568 1 year ago от @converter_dolphin


Extension for Google Chrome “РРР Account Combine”. Installation in Dolphin anty.

Pass zrd, checkpoint, selfies, zrd on bm with РРР Account Combine by uploading an account through the extension. Detailed video of using the extension for Google Chrome. Additional features of РРР Account Combine. It itself passes account errors: unlogging, generates and sends the correct picture when: RDA personal, RDA advertising account, passes captchas, checkpoints to log in with password change, checkpoints to log in with password change and delete phone number, receives sms, receives code to mail (outlook, hotmail, firstmail, gmail, gmx, mail. Com, onet.pl, onet.pl, o2.pl, mail.ru, rambler.ru, yandex.ru), creates up to 10 BMs on the account, calls and passes ZRD = PZRD account, creates pripey accounts, performs daily farming of accounts with access to sites with Facebook pixel.

Description at https://combineaccounts.space

Tech Support https://t.me/converter_dolphin

РРР Account Combine https://t.me/CombinePPPengbot

Download extension https://candyplus.tech/ext/CombinePPP.zip


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