Today we are going to talk about Zrd – Ban on Advertising Activity. Frequently asked where to get pictures to pass the RDA. There are many services, most of them paid. I found a free service: https://fbstore.ru/?cat_id=24736 which makes pictures for the RDA passage.

The functionality of the service is simple, a child can do it. 😉
1. Choose the template that we need.

2. Filling out the data, you have to do everything under the account. Even though some people say
that it doesn’t matter on Facebook that the first and last name has to match, etc. But in our tests with the RDA. We get a higher percentage when we do everything under the account.
🙂 The best consumables for running ads in Fb.🙂
For example, Name, Surname, Patronymic on the Account Ivanova Tatiana Ivanovna
this must be written in the template that we generate for the RDA pass.
3. Choose a template and fill in the data.

It turned out like this. 👍 Now the service: https://fbstore.ru/?cat_id=24736 generates only in
English. The owner of the service says Russian is coming soon.
Link to hosting where you need to upload photos from your account and then paste into the service:
Next, just download the photo and upload it to Facebook for the Zrd pass.
Have a good test, if you have any questions write below 🤝