About the innovation that will begin to work on June 21, 2023 on Facebook.

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About the innovation that will begin to work on June 21, 2023 on Facebook. 3

For advertising campaigns that are configured to target the EU or other territories (for a list of countries, see the link: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/605021638170961 ) it is necessary to specify the person or organization paying for the advertisement.


The wolf is not as bad as they say.
The innovation is not currently available in all advertising accounts.

Once you notice that at the Ad Set level in the ad campaign settings you will have a new section called “Beneficiary and payer”, you can either choose from the list that will be available or select the “A different person or organization is paying” option and manually write whatever you want.

This innovation does not affect the display of advertising or performance.

Link to the source of information: https://t.me/metamanag

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